Natural ways of treating herpes

Herpes is a disease transmitted through sexual activities with a person infected with it. It is a dreadful disease that will further result into serious health problems when left untreated. Since herpes do not show any signs or symptoms, it is difficult to detect if one is infected. The safest and surest way to know if one is infected with herpes is through STD testing. There are a lot of health centers that offer this service. Some may be at a lower cost. This makes it easy for one who is suspecting of having the disease confirm his or her doubts.

So, what happens after being diagnosed with herpes?
Treatment with a doctor should follow afterwards. Usually, antibacterial drugs are given to herpes patients. This is to help control the outbreak of the virus to the other parts of the body of the patient. The length of treatment will vary depending on the severity of the disease. There are also some requirements that need to be followed to make sure that the disease will not be spread out to others. Sexual abstinence may be asked, if this is not possible, safe sex should be practiced.

Treatments given to herpes patients are mostly medications. However, there are some doctors who also advise their patients to add some natural ways in their treatment. This lessens the cost of the treatment since you may just get the ingredient out from your kitchen. And as we all know, some medicated drugs also come from natural sources.

Though there are several drugs that can be taken if infected with STD, there are also natural ways to help prevent the outbreak of herpes. One technique is by using thyme. Thyme will work as an ointment and to be applied onto the blisters. This helps reduce the occurrence and severity of herpes outbreaks.

Another technique to prevent outbreak is by taking foods rich in vitamin C. This actually strengthens one's immune system. The body will then have the ability to fight off viruses and prevent it from spreading to the other body parts. Foods rich in Vitamin C are oranges, tomatoes, mangoes, peppers and broccoli. There are other natural ways to prevent an outbreak. Different health centers and clinics are also equipped with this knowledge.

There are several ways to prevent a herpes outbreak. Whichever way you choose, your health should always be your top priority. It is never easy to deal with having STD. It is also not easy to follow all those medications and restrictions. In other words, though there are treatments available, it is always better not to have disease at all. Prevention is always better than cure.

The best prevention from STD is being well informed about it. This makes you knowledgeable of what to do to avoid, treat or cure the disease. Today, there are several sources of information readily available for you. You can try learning from books, internet, your doctor and from your local health clinic. Be informed and be safe.


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