How to tell if your husband is cheating

First, ask yourself if his normal habits and patterns have changed.

Take the following possible change of actions in your partner into consideration.

Is he spending most of his evenings at work instead of at home having dinner with you? If working late is a normal habit of his because of the type of profession he's in, has he ceased calling you to let you know, as he was known have done so before?

Do there appear to be an increase of work 'emergencies' than usual? Things which have newly transpired? Has he started waiting for you to fall fast asleep before joining you in bed?

For the full article on how to tell if your husband is cheating, check out: How to Tell if Your Husband is Cheating

Does he Seem to be Dressing Better?
Is he changing his personal style and the way he dresses? Has he taken a different approach to styling his hair style, suddenly began shaving, or shaving in a different way?

When a man is trying to impress a new woman, he will often be more aware of his wardrobe and how appropriately groomed he is when he goes out.

Just as women do, married men tend to fall into a routine when it comes to their appearance. If you notice a change in the way he looks, it's worth examining closer.

Does he seem less interested in sex?
When you are paying attention you might notice a difference in the way he interacts with you during bedroom time.

Does he claim to be exhausted, can't be late for work, or that there is an important meeting at work he has to be ready for when you make advances on him?

A waning interest in sexual activities doesn't necessarily mean that he's sleeping around on you, although if you notice this along with other changes then it can be a tell tale sign that something isn't right.

When he's having a bath, take a look at his phone or computer. Are you seeing phone number with no names attached to them, or with women's names you don't recognize?

Have these strange names and/or numbers started filling up the call log? Maybe he has incorporated password protection to his previously 'open' computer.

Start to compile evidence that supports the possibility of infidelity if you feel that your suspicions have been confirmed and he is cheating on you.

If you're mistaken, and you choose to question him about your suspicions without real proof, it could turn out to be a mistake that can't be repaired.

You may be facing an arduous and heart-wrenching journey, and knowing how to tell whether or not your husband is cheating is just the beginning.


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