The Mitsubishi Eclipse is a coupe that is manufactured by the world renowned Mitsubishi motors' and has been in production since 1989 for left hand drive markets. The Eclipse is officially available in china, North America, Saudi Arabia, Philippines, Brazil, UAE, South Korea and Kuwait. There are several radio configurations available for the Eclipse. If you are not satisfied with the radio provided with your car then you can consider replacing it with an aftermarket radio. But the factory installed radio has to be removed first. It doesn't matter what type of radio your car has, the general process for the removal of the radio is the same in all the cases. This article will show you how to remove an Eclipse car radio.
To assist you in the removal of the radio you will require pliers, trim tool and a Philips head screw driver.
Before attempting to remove the radio, turn off your car's ignition and set the parking brakes. Now with the help of pliers remove the nut that is attached to the negative terminal of the battery. After removing the nut, move the cable from side to side till the cable is loosened. Remove the cable completely from the negative terminal of the battery
After disconnecting the battery's negative cable you can proceed towards the radio removal. With the help of a trim tool open the radio/ air vent panel. To do this, pick up the trim tool and insert it into the panel's edge. Now push the trim tool to one side so that the clip holding the panel pops out and the panel is free. The panel can now be removed with the help of your hands. If you are not in possession of a trim tool then try to remove the panel with your hands. This can be done easily by holding both sides of the panel with your hands and pulling it sharply.
After removing the panel, flip it to the backside. You will now be able to access the connections that are present at the backside of the panel. Locate the danger light adapter that is present behind the panel and unplug it from the panel.
There will be four Philips head screws that will be present in the panel. These four Philips head screws are responsible for keeping the radio chassis in its position. Remove the screws with the help of a screw driver. The radio can be removed from the panel after removing the screws. Now take the radio chassis out of the dash panel. After removing the chassis you will be able to find the wiring harness. Remove this wiring harness by accessing it from behind the radio.
Now the radio is attached to the vent assembly only with the help of clips. These clips can easily be removed by tugging at it with a little force. After the removal of the clips, the radio can be removed from the car. Now the new aftermarket radio can be placed in the old radio's place.
With the help of these simple steps you can remove an Eclipse car radio without spending too much.
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