There are few people that don't enjoy a pancake every now and then, though for many, it is a daily thing. But they do vary in style depending on where you are; in France or Belgium they are crepes; very thin delicate affairs. Whilst in the States, they are think and decadent. Here's an easy Dutch pancake recipe for you to try. The pancake is almost the national dish of the Netherlands, and they have become quite well known for it over the years. Though they are different from those that many are used to; being something more closely resembling an Italian pizza.
A traditional Dutch pancake recipe would call for rather large pans and kitchens, (they are that large), but it is easy enough to scale them down for home use. This one is good for two or three for the family to enjoy. Basically, there are only three ingredients that are needed; Milk, a half pint, a good sized egg, and one twenty five grams of plain flour. The egg and flour should be soundly beaten, and then the milk added slowly to create the mix. A skillet, or something similar should be well heated, (until smoking preferably), and then a little oil introduced to coat the pan. This too should be warmed for a few moments to get heat into it.
With a ladle, a third of the batter mix should be poured into the pan, and cooked until the brown on the one side. Once done, the pancake should be turned or, flipped for those that think they can. Less time will be needed to cook the second side, and once done, should be immediately removed from the heat. However, it is important to keep it warm whilst the others are being prepared, and then it is just a question of what to serve. Savory styles with meats are good, and these are great with a salad. However, often they are covered in sweet and sticky things. Poedersuiker (icing sugar) and stroop (treacle type syrup) being particularly favored. Brown sugar with lemon juice is also a good one to try.
Essentially, a Dutch pancake recipe is only limited by what is to hand, or what people fancy. There are no hard and fast rules. If you are ever in the Netherlands, do not miss the chance to visit one, (or more), of the many Pannenkoekenhuizen, (specialized pancake stores). These each have their own house specialties, which vary from store to store, and makes for wonderful eating.
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