101 Tips for Legally Improving Your Credit Score

Legally Repair Credit Score: 101 Essential Tips ~ eBook

The Secret Of Boosting Your Credit Rating - Finally Revealed!

If bad credit is holding you back, you can start nursing your ailing record back to health today with a few strategic moves.

We've all made our financial mistakes. Sometimes it takes a mistake to teach ourselves a lesson. But a few financial mistakes do not spell the end of our financial lives.

After a battle plan is drawn up. After a few strategic moves are put in to place. After a few tricks and tactics are used to the best of their ability. It is possible to reclaim trust from creditors, lenders, and renters.

All it takes is the right knowledge and a little bit of your time...

"Give Me 45 Minutes And I'll Have You On Your Way To A Better Credit Rating, Happy Lenders, And Open Doors!"

If you're planning on asking for a loan in the future... If you want to get help from the bank to buy your dream home, dream car, start your own business or more... but feel like your bad credit rating is holding you back. FRET NO MORE.

Within my 50 page guide, "101 Legitimate Tips For Boosting Your Credit Score," I'll teach you exactly how the credit bureau's do their business. I'll teach you how to regain their trust step by step, and even show you a few simple tricks for being financially responsible.

You can download my guide straight to your computer in minutes. Once you do, the tips and tricks inside will blow your mind...

...here is just SOME of the information you will find inside:

=>What's a good credit score? And at what score should I start to be worried. (Page 4)

=>Even if you pay all your bills on time, you may still have marks against your credit. See why here. (Pages 4-5)

=> 3 top credit agencies and how to keep tabs on them. (Page 5)

=> 4 ways the credit bureau's look at your lending history - and how important each view is. (Pages 6-7)

=> 3 ways to boost your credit score (and it's not just paying your bills). (Pages 7-8)

=> 10 steps to protecting your identity from thieves who may destroy your credit on their joyride across the country. (Page 9)

=> 4 steps to take right away if you think you've been a victim of identity theft. It may not be too late. (Pages 11-12)

=> 5 common credit mistakes you may commit if you don't know about them in advance. (Pages 12-14)

=> How not having any debts may actually hurt your credit score. (Page 14)

=> How to dispute bad marks on your credit report. (Page 15)

=> After you contact the credit bureau about an error in your credit report, make sure you contact these people next. (Page 16)

=> The truth about "free credit reports" online. (Page 17)

=> 3 ways to start building up trust after a major credit disaster. (Pages 17-18)

=> When to consider declaring bankruptcy. (Page 21)

=> 5 organizations that can help you when you're in over your head. (Pages 22-23)

=> When you should fear credit repair companies. (Pages 23)

=> 6 common scams some credit repair companies try and pull. (Pages 24-25)

=> How to use your bank as an ally in your fight against bad credit. (Page 25)

=> 5 ways to curb your spending habit. (Page 27)

=> How to automatically cut down on your spending without beating yourself up. (Page 28)

=> 6 ideas for adding extra dollars to your monthly income. (Page 29)
And there's MUCH more - guaranteed!

It's Not Too Late To Build A Credit Rating

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