The average parent can find it a real challenge to get their dearest toddler to sleep in their own room, for those lucky enough to have one.
Fortunately, I simply left them alone in the room, with the lights off, and they learnt to sleep by themselves. What a relief, as whenever I tried to stay in the room with them, they would kick up a fuss due to my presence. It was so simple I wish I did it earlier.
It helped that the elder one took a tiny bit of responsibility to enable her younger one to sleep, despite being the tender age of 3.
However, here are some tips to get a bedtime routine to help your toddler to relax and go to sleep by themselves.
Like so many toddlers, they always have a tonne of energy which seems to spike just before they go to bed. Get them to expend some energy first by doing the usual things like a walk in the park or just general playtime in the playroom.
1 hour before bedtime, its time to commence the wind down routine. Let them take their bath with a little playtime there too.
Let them take their night snacks or milk formula before bed. Hungry kids find it harder to sleep. Avoid high sugar snacks which give them even more energy. No more tv or other entertainment for them.
Set up their nice beds for them. It might be worthwhile to invest in a cute bedding designs. Some kids bedding for girls here. A night light might be necessary for those who are not used to sleeping by themselves after lights out. Let them have their favorite stuffed toy too.
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