Bedtime! If you ask new parents about which is the time that is the toughest for them, most will definitely heave a sigh and say bedtime!
Getting your baby to sleep can certainly be a tough job, especially when they may think they're "missing something". With seemingly limitless energy, babies simply want to explore what's around them.
Your new baby can not tell the difference between night and day, nor can she understand logic or time. This can become a trying experience for you. What can be done? You can't shout or scold her, this will only escalate your situation. So the best thing you can do to get your baby to sleep is to make the environment itself conducive to sleep.
Here's how it works.
Babies prefer to be creatures of habit, they do best when things are scheduled and set for them. So you can "teach" your baby that daytime is for play, exploration, eating, and fun. Nighttime is for relaxing, and sleep. Setting a schedule and sticking to it, should condition your baby to nighttime sleeping. Being consistent is key.
A few ideas to get your baby to sleep:
Setting the baby on her back in the crib. When you place your baby in the crib this way, she is going to learn that this is the time to rest and sleep.
Nap time should be at a regular consistent time each day. This consistency, will help to get baby to sleep longer periods of time at night.
Establish a bedtime ritual to help lull your baby into sleep. Stay silent while feeding or changing diapers. Don't "socialize" with your baby or talk with her as you do these things. This will help establish the tone that nighttime is for sleeping, not for play or fun activities.
A simple bedtime ritual of bathing and then a soothing activity like reading or rocking can help lull babies to sleep. Being a creature of habit, these consistences will aid you to get your baby to sleep easier and stay asleep longer.
About the Author
Kat Goodman has been providing Just Baby Nursery Bedding ( with quality articles for the past year. For more information on getting your baby to sleep and other baby related topics, the resource section provides useful information to new parents.
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