3 Insider Tips to Dominate Mafia Wars

The main idea of the game is to build a strong Mafia family and get as much money as you can. This is absolutely crucial for you to advance to the next level, but the question is how do you do this so you can dominate Mafia Wars? This article will provide various hints and tips to dominate this online mafia game. There are many other techniques and more in depth processes to go along with what I am going to explain with you. But these tips will hit the outer layer of some of the more technical tips available.
The truth is, I have been in your shoes. I know what it feels like to not know what to do next. I know what it feels like to not have any cash. I know what it feels like to have the weakest family possible. I know what it feels like to lose every single fight because I don't have proper weapons. I even know what it feels like to have several denials on joining my family, even if I already knew the other player. That is why I am going to release 3 insider tips to dominate Mafia Wars directly from my mouth. These are the best 3 tips I could ever give you and have helped me tremendously. Follow them exactly and make them your own. Think up of great ideas to help you dominate these tips even more. You won't regret doing this and soon you will have people chasing to be in your family.
The first inside tip to dominate Mafia Wars is to obviously grow your family. Go on all the major game websites to find people who are looking for a family. Get them onto your family, this is one of the best things you could do. Another great way to find a family is to go on YouTube. It is a great place to start recruiting new users to your family.

The second insider tip is to work. I know that you can't spend 24 hours working for your Mafia Wars, but you need to work as much as you can. Having money along with a strong family is crucial in this game and if you want to dominate Mafia Wars you need to work hard just like in real life.

Last but definitely not least, don't waste your money. Don't spend money on buying out people to join your family. It's not worth buying Godfather reward points just to get some more money. It's much better to just work for it and earn money that way. Buying godfather points is a complete waste of your time. Let me tell you again, an absolute complete waste of your time. Instead by tangible items such as property. This will get you much further in the game in the long run.
by Kris McGill


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