Did you know that you can find some of the most effective heartburn home remedies right in your kitchen?
But before we go ahead and start listing different alternatives for relieving heartburn and talk about some easy to follow home remedy cures, lets first be clear on what heartburn is, some of its causes, who may suffer from heartburn and last but not least I will provide you with a list of ingredients that you can get in the grocey store or that you may already have at home to start using right away to see immediate results on eliminating your heartburn pain.
What is heartburn?
The term heartburn is somehow misleading. To the uninformed, it may sound like a heart problem but basically, it's a digestive disorder and it's not related to any heart condition or disease.
What causes heartburn?
Before you determine the ways to cure heartburn, you need to understand what causes it in the first place.
Stomach acids are kept inside the stomach through the LES (lower esophageal sphincter). With a weakened LES, the acids are able to backup into the esophagus thereby causing the burning and painful sensation.
There are times when even a bad posture can contribute to the problem.
Who may suffer from heartburn?
Triggers may vary from one person to another but is usually includes eating large meals, eating spicy and oily foods, being overweight, pregnant women, alcoholics and smokers, and those suffering from hiatal hernia. Heartburn can also be aggravated if you take medications like sedatives, anti depressants, certain antibiotics, and aspirin.
Some home remedies that could help you eliminate heartburn are:
Milk, yogurt, or butter milk is among the best remedies; just drink a cup of these food items and you can expect instant relief. If you have vanilla ice cream at home, you can also use it as a remedy.
Suck a clove and do it slowly. This can ease acidity and other gastrointestinal diseases.
To prevent the burning and painful sensation, you can eat several pieces of almonds or you can dip lemon strips in salt. Eat them while you're eating to ensure maximum effectiveness.
Another way to cure heartburn is through lemon rinds.
To relieve congestion, you can eat sour cabbage. If you have bread, cooked rice, and bananas, you can also eat them the moment you feel heartburn. You can also eat an apple everyday.
If you're comfortable in eating cucumber, eat it but you can also squeeze out the juice and drink it. To alleviate the symptoms, you can mix lime juice and honey and drink it. You can also try drinking chamomile tea, salvia, peppermint, or basil tea. These are easy to prepare.
For those with fenugreek seeds in powder form, you can take ½ tsp of it and mix it with butter milk; drink the solution; if you have only the seeds, you can swallow them followed with warm water for instant relief.
Eat raw garlic to fight heartburn.
Dissolve 4 tsp of baking soda in water and drink it because it is considered an acid neutralizer.
Always watch out for the foods you eat everyday. Drinking plenty of water is also advisable. Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol because these things can aggravate heartburn. You also need to get adequate sleep (at least 8 hours a day) and when sleeping, make sure that your head is elevated. Avoid stress which could also trigger heartburn.
These are some of the heartburn home remedies we recommend you use at home to cure heartburn and eliminate your heartburn pain.
About the Author
Heartburn has driven me crazy most of my adult life. Tired of antacid and other medicines that only attack the symptoms but don't go to the root of the problem I then decided to try a holistic approach to cure my heartburn problem. For real life advice on how to permanently get rid of your heartburn in a natural way go to http://curemyheartburnnow.info/
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