How to detect adware on your computer

Have you noticed an unusual number of popups recently? It could be that your computer has been infected by spyware. This computer software secretly installs itself on your computer and collects information that is sent to marketing firms, corporations and even criminals. Without you knowing it, your personal and financial information can be stolen. Installing firewall or security software may not be enough to protect you since these programs can disguise themselves as handy tools.

Spyware is primarily spread by downloading information from the Internet. The user installs an application, and the damaging software tags along. You won't even know it's happening until the unwanted behavior begins. You may notice poor system performance, unwanted CPU activity, disk usage and network traffic.

Stability issues, such as applications freezing, failure to boot, and system-wide crashes are also common. The distributors of these software programs usually present the program as a useful utility or as a helpful software agent, or are bundled with shareware or other downloadable software that the user unwittingly downloads and installs.

The tech sector has responded to this problem by developing new security software. However, these products may also inadvertently disable wanted programs. To address this issue, the Anti-Spyware Coalition is developing a standard for what constitutes "spam" or unacceptable software behavior.

network security
It's important to note that some analysts have warned against vendors selling anti-spyware software as a standalone product because most security software products include anti-spyware utilities and they believe that customers should not be paying extra for it. Microsoft even offers a free anti-spyware tool.

There are new programs popping up every day. Uninstaller Software claims to be capable of removing programs that could not be removed by Microsoft Windows Add/Remove program.

For security protection against these software programs, only download material from reputable sites and always thoroughly read the End User License Agreement. Most people click yes without reading the terms and agree to install this software without knowing it.

When a popup appears on your computer read it before you click anything. Although antivirus software isn't foolproof, they can protect your system in real time. Even with antivirus software and a firewall system, scan your computer periodically to detect and remove any unwanted software. Programs like Spybot Search & Destroy can help and is available free of charge.

security software
Most of us know not to share personal information on the Net, but that data can still be collected secretly. To protect yourself, only use sites you are familiar with, read user agreements, get good antivirus software and regularly monitor your system for unwanted spyware.

These easy practices can protect your personal and financial information and save you a world of trouble.

by George McFerris


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