Here's a strange way on how to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks. These tricks and little known techniques will help you to lose a lot of weight fast. I don't know you, so losing 20 pounds that quick may not be possible for you. But regardless of who is reading this, if you're overweight, then you're almost assured of losing more weight than is commonly expected by using these secret tactics.
How to Lose 20 Pounds in 2 Weeks
1. Spins
Diet and exercise are usually not enough to lose a lot of weight fast. You need the aid and help of your hormones to make that lofty goal possible. You see, it's common to have messed up hormones that work against your weight loss efforts. By stimulating balance into your hormones, its like going 100MPH on a freeway for weight loss. FAST! The balance comes surprisingly through regular spinning.
What I'd like for you to do is try out spinning by holding your arms out and spinning around anywhere from 5-10 times. You need to figure out a "sweet spot" to where you only get a little bit dizzy. Getting totally dizzy is overkill. Then once you find the correct number of spins for yourself, continue to spin around that number of times for a total of 5-10 sets each day.
2. EV coconut oil
This isn't a typical weight loss supplement. But it gets the type of results so many of those "magic pills" claim. A quick 5 or more pounds lost in a couple weeks. YEP. It happens to a lot of my clients who I put on this.
Just take a tablespoon between breakfast and lunch. Then take 1 more tablespoon again between lunch and dinner. Weigh yourself before you start doing this. Then weigh yourself in 2 weeks. After that, send me an email telling me how great I am. KIDDING!
That's it. Use this strange protocol and 2 tricks. This is the best and easiest way on how to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks.
About the Author
Need to lose weight fast? Go here now for little-known weight loss tricks and secrets such as "Spinning Around Like a Child". Free ebook included.
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