How To Get Rid of Leg Cramps

When a painful, agonizing leg cramp strikes you, you want to know how to get rid of that leg cramp and how to prevent any more from occurring.

There are a few conventional treatments you can try for yourself, and there is a great alternative treatment that is worth consideration.

A leg cramp occurs when a muscle spasms with involuntary contraction. It is the familiar charlie horse - a painful knot in the calf, hamstring, quadriceps, or even foot. The agony can last only a few seconds or up to fifteen minutes ... or more. Painful leg muscle cramps often occur at night and can disrupt your sleep.

There are some common factors that increase the chance of having leg cramps, they include:
*Muscle tiredness, muscles that have been overworked
*Heavy, strenuous, exercising
*Being dehydrated, not drinking enough water
*Having a high body weight, but not necessarily being obese
*Electrolyte imbalances
*Medications you are taking, prescribed or otherwise
*Being pregnant
*A magnesium deficiency
*A calcium deficiency
*Motor neuron diseases can cause severe cramps

Overusing muscles through vigorous exercise is a common cause of leg cramps. Football, basketball, baseball, tennis, soccer, running, and even walking can bring on a painful episode of leg cramps. Sometimes standing on a surface like concrete for an extended period of time, having flat feet, or even getting your leg or foot into some awkward out-of-normal position can trigger them!

Medicines your doctor has prescribed can be the culprits too, of leg cramps. Diuretics, anti-psychotics, birth control pills, steroids and statins are medicines that might cause you to have leg cramps. Avoiding alcohol is a good suggestion because alcohol will act as a diuretic and cause you to lose water, possibly leading to hydration.

A severe case of leg cramps may result in tenderness and even muscle fiber necrosis. Necrosis is the localized death of living cells (as from infection or the interruption of blood supply).

To prevent leg cramps you must stay hydrated, and follow a proper, balanced diet. These two things are important because the muscles in your legs must have an adequate supply of oxygenated blood and the proper amount of electrolytes. These are simply facts of the way we human beings are designed. When you lack in water intake and proper diet, your chances of suffering from cramps in your legs increases.

Drink water. Eight glasses of water a day is a good guideline. Before you exercise, make sure you do some stretching and warming up before you go full-bore into that basketball or tennis game, or even before you begin your workout walk.

Eat a healthy diet. This will help reduce your chances of suffering from leg cramps. Consult a health professional as what should be included in your diet. To help prevent leg cramps, it is important have the proper amount of vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes provided in your diet. Potassium is necessary to help fight against leg cramps. Potassium can easily be obtained by eating bananas, a very healthy food.

To get relief from a cramp in your calf muscle try stepping away from a wall about two feet and then lean forward to the wall using your arms as a brace, and stretch out the cramping calf muscle. Do this slowly. You can also try stretching the calf muscle by slowly raising and lowering on your toes. Making a habit of stretching the muscles in your calves and thighs can help condition them and lesson the chances of, and severity of, leg cramps. Massage can also help relieve muscle spasms.

Usually cramping legs are only a minor thing and something not to worry about. There are times however, that they may indicate a more serious condition such as diabetes or peripheral artery disease. Don't delay consulting your doctor if your leg cramps are regular and causing severe pain.

Sometimes, keeping hydrated and eating a healthy, balanced diet are not enough to keep leg cramps away. You may need something more.

Natural, safe, and alternative remedies are often very helpful in getting rid of leg cramps and lessening their symptoms. A natural remedy is a natural substance or herb that is prepared, processed, or formulated for its medicinal properties using only natural substances. In contrast, most Western health systems are based on synthetically produced medicines. Natural remedies can be very effective in getting rid of leg cramps. Natural remedies are available for just about any malady you may suffer.

Here is a place to learn about a natural, safe, and affordable alternative treatment for leg cramps: Leg Cramp Away - Homeopathic remedy temporarily relieves muscle spasms, cramping and discomfort in the legs
About the Author
I have successfully combated my leg cramps by following the advice in this article. You may learn more about the natural remedy for leg cramps I've used at either of these links: Treatment For Leg Cramps or Leg Cramps Natural Remedy
I hope this information helps you with your leg cramps. -- Jake Hickory


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