The Home Pregnancy tests are not always reliable. You can get a false negative. The best way to know if you are prenant is to go to the OB / GYN and get a test at the office. I can say with certainty. Signs of a miscarriage and many are not all present simultaneously.
The obvious signs are severe cramps in the lower abdomen with bleeding. If there is blood clots, or if you are soaking through a maxi pad in an hour, you have a miscarraige.
If this happens, you need to get to the doctor or the hospital immediately, so you do not bleed to death. (Yes, I'm serious.) Also if you feel a tight, vice-like grip on all his lower back in the region of the kidneys is also a Sign of Miscarriage. You should also save the tissue that expels from his body in a plastic bag or container and take it to the doctor.
Vaginal bleeding that may be light or heavy, constant or irregular. Although bleeding is often the first sign of a miscarriage, first trimester bleeding may also occur with a normal pregnancy. But bleeding with pain is a sign that miscarriage is more likely.
Pain. You may have pelvic cramps, abdominal pain or a persistent dull ache in the lower back. The pain may begin several hours to several days after bleeding has begun. Blood clots or grayish (fetal) from the tissues of the vagina.
It is not always easy to know whether a miscarriage is taking place. A miscarriage often does not occur as a single event but as a chain of events over several days. A woman from the physical experience of a miscarriage can be very different from the experience of another woman.
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