For your Internet business to be successful, you need to get large amounts of traffic to your website, and Internet marketers have found some pretty ingenious ways of driving trafficto their websites, including pay-per-click campaigns, SEO (search engine optimization) and email marketing.
Many marketers, however, have neglected a simple top quality method of driving traffic to their sites: Writing short 400 word articles and submitting them so they appear all over the internet.
Don't be mislead into thinking this is a waste of time, having your articles appear on lots of different websites helps you in two major ways:
1. Each article provides a link back to your website. If the content of the article matches the content of the web page you set the article link to, the search engines will deem this a relevant link. The more relevant links you get to your website, the higher it will be ranked in the search engines. The higher your site is ranked in the search engines, the more traffic you will receive.
2. People who use the search engines are looking for information, and if they come across one of your articles, and while reading the article find the content interesting and helpful, they will be inclined click on the link to your website so they can continue their research. The more places you can find to display your articles, the more people will find and read them and the more traffic you will get to your website.
What should your articles consist of? Nothing fancy, each article should be around 400 words long and contain just enough content to:
- Give the reader some useful information.
- Interest an ezine editor enough to want to publish your article.
- Get the readers interest raised to the point they want to click on the link to your website to get more information.
Your article could be:
- One or two tips lifted from the info product you are selling from your website.
- Paraphrased information from a particular web page you would like the reader to visit.
- A review of a product you would like the reader to purchase. The link in a review would point to your affiliate page via a link tracker, or to a page on your website where you offer more details.
You don't even have to write your own articles... You can pay a ghost writer to write them for you. To do this, visit websites like where you can list details of the articles you want written and find people who are interested in writing them for you.
Make it quite clear to the person who writes your articles that you keep the copyright. Once you write your articles you can submit them to tons of article directories.
Here's a huge list of article directories:
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