Is there really a secret to losing weight, the answer might surprise you. Losing weight is a mental thing , that we as human can control. So the question is what is the secret to losing weight? The ANSWER is "you".
Our body is like an sponge it absorb everything that is put into it. Therefore to lose weight we have to figure out what we put into our body. What we put into our body is the answer to the question. What we eat and the amount and when we eat determine our body size.
In order to lose weight we first have to condition our mind on what we will be feeding our body.
What to eat
Eating everything from the food chain is very important, as our body needs all nutrients to keep us healthy. The secret to what we put into or body is eating in moderation. Do not force ourself to eat more than or stomach can hold.
When we eat more than our stomach can hold we stretch the stomach wall forcing it to accept more than it can hold. This is what cause us to start gaining weight.
When we eat
There are 3 important meal of the day that we are suppose to follow. Breakfast should be the largest of the three meals, and should be very healthy. You eat what your stomach is allowed to
Lunch is yor second meal a little smaller than breakfast. Eat whatever you need from the food group, but again in small portion.
Dinner the last meal should not be very heavy, as your body will be storing whatever was not digest before you go to bed. This is where the pot belly comes from, by eating large portion of food before you go to bed. This is a NO NO to the secret of losing weight.
Chew your food
We grew teeth for a reason, and that is to chew our food properly. Do not bite the food the just swollow. When you do that you destroy the digestive system. We need to chew our food to very tiny particles so as not to put strain the digestive system.
When the food is chew properly it is easier to digest and then it will not be stored as fat in our body.
Do not eat and drink
You eat your solid food, by chewing properly. When you are completly finish eating wait a few minutes before you drink.
As mentioned before the secret to losing weight is "you" . You determine what you eat, when you eat and how you eat. These are simple rules that you need to follow to avoid putting on weight. There is really no great secret to losing weight, but there is a secret to "not to put on weight" MODERATION
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