Natural Anti-aging Products For Beautiful Skin

Taking care of your skin should be part of your daily routine. If you wear makeup make sure that at nights you completely remove makeup from your skin. The skin needs to breathe in order to be healthy.

Always exfoliate to remove dead skin cells, which leave the skin glowing and the number one rule always moisturize.

Below are products that you can find in your refrigerator to help you have beautiful, wrinkle free skin.

(1)Apply aloe vera plant or the gel daily to your skin.
(2) Mix 16oz of Aloe Vera gel with 1oz. of Natural Vitamin E oil, and apply to face

Apple Cider Vinegar
(1)Apply Apple cider vinegar and baking soda to face daily for 30 minutes(2)Apply Apple cider vinegar and peanut oil to your face at nights

Apple Juice
This can treat fine lines and wrinkles, by slicing an apply and applying the juice to your face for 15 minutes daily

(1) Slice cumumber and rub on skin leave on for 30- 45 minutes daily.
(2) Combine cucumber juice and natural whole yogurt and apply to face daily for 15- 20 minutes.
(1)Honey and grated carrots apply to the skin leave complexion flawless, and keeps the skin tight.
(2) Exfoliate the skin with honey and oatmeal, or brown sugar combine

Lemon contains vitamin c, which leave skin looking radiant. Apply lemon or lime to your skin for 15 minutes daily.

This fruit contains enzyme that can remove dead surface skin, which leave skin soft and smooth. Apply fruit directly to skin daily for 30 -45 minutes

Rub the juice or the core of the pineapple directly to your face daily for 15 minutes.

(1) Stay away from caffeine, cigarettes and excessive alcohol use
(2) Do not sleep on your stomach, as this cause temporary wrinkling to the face, which leads permanent wrinkles to appear in the wrinkle zone areas
(3) Sleep on your back with your head elevated
(4) Avoid stress; believe it or not stress is the number 1 thing that makes wrinkle appears on your face. So don't worry be HAPPY.


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