No one wants to age, but we can age gracefully with a little practice. Aging is based on two factors, 75 % genetics and 25% environment. Aging is triggered by many external forces such as UV rays, wind and pollutants, and internal such as stress.
With genetic aging we can see how spots or wrinkles will appear as you age, by looking at your mom or other female members. There are things we can do to slow down the aging process and age gracefully.
Wearing sunscreen
UV rays is very damaging to the skin, as it destroys collagen and form wrinkles. Avoid the sun as much as possible and use sunscreen lotion on your body daily, such as Chanel Précision UV Essentiel Protective UV Care SPF 30+
No Smoking
The number rule of aging is do not smoke, as this depletes oxygen and nutrients from the body, making wrinkle appear on your face.
Reduce stress
Reducing stress is very important for your health, as it will destroy every organ in your body. Stress helps the body to produce harmful hormone called cortisol which increases free radicals.
The first sign of aging starts around the eyes, therefore you have to take care of the eyes. USe cream that will add moisture like Olay Professional Pro-X Eye Restoration Complex . Or simple apply vitamin E oils around the eyes at night.
Remember to take care of your skin by following a proper skin-care regimen daily
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