How to avoid depression
Depression comes in many forms, and it can be difficult to control.The factors that contribute to depression are well-known, and well-researched, but what causes it is not quite understood. Depression is something that we can avoid by cultivating the happiness. Here are some tips to avoid depression
* Sleep and exercise*
Getting enough sleep is very important in preventing depression, along with balancing your life with enough rest and exercise everyday.Don't push yourself beyond your limits.
* Keep Yourself Busy Getting involve in various activities can help to prevent depress. Find a hobby, go the movies, fnd a charity. Activity forces us to do something constructive, and does not allow us to dwell on our depressed state of mind.
* Avoiding feeling guilty*
We all make mistake,but if you continue to dwell on yours, then your are harbouring feelings of guilt. Do not dwell on the mistake , instead try to solve the problem and move on.
* Set realistic goals for yourself, and take on a reasonable amount of responsibility.
* Seek Help * Let your family and friends help you.Try to share your feelings with someone. It is usually better than being alone and secretive.However, simply having someone to talk to and share difficulties is a tremendous help in being able to work through our own problems.
* Love yourself Stop being so critical of yourself, and of others. Acknowledge the good in you, stop beating yourself up. Think quality time, not quantity of time. Eat a balanced diet. If you lack an appetite, eat small snacks rather than large meals.Be patient and kind to yourself. Remember that depression is not your fault and is not something you can overcome with willpower alone.If you're good at caring for others, add yourself to that mix. Depression can be avoided and treated and it can be fun doing so.Try to maintain a positive attitude—remember that feeling better takes time, and your mood will improve little by little
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