How to Save Energy and Money

Learning to conserve on energy is becoming very important part of our household today, due to the high increase in fuel. Below are some steps that will help you save on energy and at the same time save some money
Things You’ll Need:
Ceiling Fans
Energy-Efficient Light Bulbs

Step1 *Setting your Thermostat*
The recommended temperature for summer is 78 degree, this will allow the room to remains cool. Sometimes the temperature will goes to the high 90's , so you can then set the Thermostat at 74 -78

In the Winter the recommended degree is 68, but depending on how cold it is you can go 70 degree. If you program the Thermostat, it helps to keep the house cool or warm when you away, this will help to reduce temperature from outside to inside, so it does not take up much energy when you come and turn on the unit.
Step2 *Turning on the ceiling fan*
If you set your ceiling fan to spin counter-clockwise in the summer, it will helps the hot air to go away from the living space to ceiling, this helps to room to be more cooler.

In the winter allow the ceiling fan to clockwise thus the hot air will blow down , allowing the room to be warmer
Step3 *Unplug Appliances*
Unplugging all appliances when they are not been used can save a great amount of energy. Most appliances even when not in use consume at least 4 watts of energy

Step4 *Energy saving bulbs*
Compact fluorescent bulbs "use two-thirds less energy than standard incandescent light bulbs. Therefore replacing existing incandescent lights with energy-efficient compact fluorescent lights, can save a lot of energy.

Turning off the lights when not in use is also a great way to save
Step5 *Change Filter Regularly*
Changing your filter to your furnace at least every 3 months will help the furnace operate more effectively.

Change the filter in the dryer after every load. All these tips will help you to save on energy and money


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